

品名:Rat Telemetry System


Kaha Sciences大鼠遙測系統為植入式無線遙測領域樹立了新標準,可測量來自175g以上大鼠的低失真生理信號。該系統可以測得的信號,包括心室和動脈壓、交感神經活動(SNA)、生物電位(例如ECG,EMG和EEG)和組織氧分度。


特殊的Cohousing功能允許將兩隻植入遙測器的老鼠放在一個籠子中,或一隻更大的老鼠(> 350g)植入兩個遙測器,從而增加可記錄信號的數量。



  • 有效替代繫繩,電線等等
  • 在不受限制的環境中紀錄
  • 減少動物手術處理引起的壓力
  • 允許將動物本身作為對照,而進行多項研究
  • 允許24/7連續記錄
  • 減少所需的動物數量
  • 減少動物維護成本




                                               傳統遙測系統                                                                       KAHA

Signals Low fidelity pressure, temperature, activity, low frequency biopotential High-fidelity ventricular and arterial pressure, temperature, SNA, low and high frequency biopotential, tissue oxygen
Sampling frequency 250 to 500 Hz Up to 2 kHz
Transmission All transmitters send data on a single frequency Digital transmission offers up to 40 individual transmission frequencies
Animal size Mice, rats and larger Rats (>175 g)
Housing arrangement Telemetered animals must be individually housed Can house up to two telemetered rats per cage with cohousing feature enabled
Recording range Up to 1 m Up to 5 m
Monitor duration Limited by battery life Wireless power, rechargeable backup battery in vivo
Continuous data Limited by battery life True 24/7 recording
Refurbishment Need to monitor battery state, refurbish when low No refurbishment waiting or cost, just recharge and continue
Output format Proprietary interface Standard analog voltage

